# Navigation

pixss uses three utility classes to navigate the pages.

class usage
.sidebar defines the sidebar, that has the fixed position on the left side of the page
.topbar defines the top navigation bar, that has the fixed position on the top of the page
.tabs defines the responsive horizontal navigation tabs with basic styleing

define the sidebar with fixed posistion on the left side of page. Sidebar is invisible as default, by using .open can be set to visible. live coding demo (opens new window)

<nav class="sidebar open" id="sidebar">
    the customized sidebar items

# .topbar

define the top bar with fixed posistion on the top of page. live coding demo (opens new window)

 <nav class="topbar space-between">
    <div class="burger mx-2">

# .tabs

<div class="tabs">
    <li class="is-active">
        <a href="#">layout</a>
        <a href="#">form</a>
        <a href="#">navigation</a>
Last Updated: 12/28/2020, 5:33:18 PM