# Utils

pixss provides the following utility classes to extend the standard styling. They cover the following perspectives:

perspective description
position adjust the alignment of web elements, e.g. flexbox position
box extend the styling of the box/div elements, e.g. rounded, shadow
text adjust the formatting of text elements, e.g. opacity
spacing set the margin and padding spacing

# Postion

# .centered-xy

.centered-xy defines a container that has its child element with super centered position, i.e. both horizontally and vertically: x for horizontal alignment, y for vertical alignment.

<div class="centered-xy">
    <button>centered button</button>

# .space-between

.space-between defines a container that has its children elements distributed by using flexbox property space-between.

<div class="space-between">

# .float-left & .float-right

.float-left & .float-right allow the children elements within the container to float to right or left.

<div class="float-right">

# box

pixss provides the following utility classes to style the DIV container, such as rounded corner, shadow

  • .is-rounded
  • .shadow
  • .shadow-md
  • .shadow-lg

# text

pixss provides the following utility classes to adjust the text alignment.

  • .text-centered
  • .text-justified
  • .text-left
  • .text-right

# visibility

pixss provides the following utility classes to adjust the opacity of the text and DIV elements

  • .opacity-75
  • .opacity-50
  • .opacity-25

# spacing

pixss provides the following utility classes to adjust the margin and padding value of the html elements.

  • .mx-1 horizontal margin 1rem
  • .mx-2 horizontal margin 2rem
  • .my-1
  • .my-2
  • .px-1
  • .px-2
  • .py-1
  • .py-2

mx- means horizontal margin, my- means vertical margin, px- means horizontal padding, py- means vertical padding

Last Updated: 1/4/2021, 10:44:19 PM