My favorite CLI tools used for the most of daily work. Most of basic command line tools, like git, curl, npm..., will not listed here.

table of content

# fx: json terminal viewer

npm install -g fx

# open json file
fx data/pointer.json

# view json via pipe
curl | fx

# Enter "q" to exit

# hub: enhanced CLI for GitHub

hub --help

# create a remote repository on GitHub in terminal
hub create remote-repository 

# symfony: symfony powered cli

symfony -h
symfony new my-blog

# usful wrapper
symfony composer [sub-command]
symfony console [sub-command]

# pngquant: reduce the size of png image

pngquant 16 --skip-if-larger --strip --ext=.png --force screenshot.png

# use always as alias
alias png16='pngquant 16 --skip-if-larger --strip --ext=.png --force '
png16 screenshot.png

# command line tool cheater

# use always as alias
alias cheat='curl'
cheat tar 

# youtbue-dl: download youtube as mp3

# use as alias
alias yd='youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 '
yd "http://url_your_youtbue" 

# cf: cli for cloud foundry

cf -h 

# mkfile create the file with given size

mkfile 2m test.pdf 
mkfile 2g a_very_large.pdf 

# psysh for PHP

A runtime developer console, interactive debugger and REPL for PHP.

$ brew update && brew install composer
$ composer global require psy/psysh
$ psysh 
Last Updated: 10/24/2021, 12:26:47 PM