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# Favorite Commands

more read on (opens new window)

# kill all running containers
docker container kill $(docker ps -q)$$
# delete one or more containers
docker container rm $(docker ps -a -q)

docker image ls
docker image rm -f {__image_id__}
# remove all images. careful with this one 
docker image rm $(docker images -a -q)
# build a docker image named my_image$$
docker image build -t my_repo/my_image:my_tag .
# push an image to a registry
docker image push my_repo/my_image:my_tag
# show lots of details about the image
docker image inspect my_image

# clean up all unused containers, networks, and dangling images
docker system prune
# delete all unused images, not just dangling ones
docker system prune -a

# Useful Images

docker run -p 80:80 kennethreitz/httpbin

# Favorite docker collection (opens new window)

Last Updated: 1/31/2021, 7:08:12 PM