Install and Start

Install packages and start the dev server: http://localhost:8080/nines/ (opens new window)

$ yarn install
$ yarn start


use bash to deploy and push the code to github. The pages are served on (opens new window)

# build and deploy to github pages
$ bash

New Page

  • create a new markdown file in ./docs/
  • add the link to sidebar by editing ./docs/.vuepress/config.js
sidebar: [
  ['/', '🏠HOME'],
  ['/react', ' React'],
  ['/npm', ' npm'],
  ['/composer', ' Composer'],
  ['/symfony', ' Symfony']

New Link

add new item to ./docs/.vuepress/config.js

 nav: [{ text: 'Write To Me', link: '/other/talk' }],


use override.styl and stlye.styl to customer the stylesheet

// .vuepress/style.styl, will overwrite the default theme
.site-name {
  font-family:   'Major Mono Display', cursive;
  font-weight: 400 !important
  font-size: 2rem !important

// .vuepress/override.styl, SHOULD ONLY contain "stylus constants override".
$accentColor = #029ffd
$textColor = #2c3e50
$borderColor = #eaecef
$codeBgColor = #282c34

How to import new fonts

use head config to update head in ./docs/.vuepress/config.js

 head: [
        rel: 'alternate',
        type: 'application/rss+xml',
        href: '/rss.xml',
        title: 'Review Everything in 9 seconds'
Last Updated: 9/21/2019, 2:24:12 PM